Hunting >>
Moose Hunting
An exciting and competitive hunt with an extremely high rate of success. The Maine moose hunt is an experience that would be difficult to match anywhere else in the world. Our guides are proficient in the tactics it takes to locate, stalk, and call these majestic thousand pound animals. Schanz’s Guide Service will lead you through some of the best trophy moose territory the state has to offer, and can give you one of your best chances at a trophy of a lifetime.
Bear Hunting
Schanz's Guide Service offers affordable hunting for these giant predators over bait as well as pursuing them with hounds. Our bait sites are located in Central Maine and your hunts will be conducted during the most beautiful weather in the most beautiful scenery the North East has to offer. Comfortable lodging, great food, site seeing and fishing when not in the stands, and relaxing by the bonfire reminiscing during the evenings make this a relaxing vacation opportunity as well.
Ruffed Grouse Hunting
Northern Maine has a wild ruffed grouse population that cannot be matched. A more relaxed sport than many of our big game hunts, ruffed grouse hunting is great for families and friends of all ages. This is a great way to experience the north Maine woods during the peak of the fall foliage. Bring plenty of shotgun shells for this hunt, because there will be lots of shooting and many memories made.
Deer Hunting
Arguably America’s most popular hunting experience is the pursuit of whitetail deer. Whether stalking, stand hunting, or tracking Maine’s trophy whitetails you will have an experience you will never forget. The trophy bucks we offer in Maine are not raised on farms but wild and elusive. Schanz’s Guide Service will guide you and help you learn the skills necessary to successfully hunt some of the world’s largest whitetail deer. All of our guides are excellent deer hunters themselves with years of experience and are sure to present you your best opportunity at a 200 plus pound buck.

Coyote Hunting
Predator hunting is becoming an increasingly popular sport that appeals to many hunters looking for the challenge of killing this elusive big game. A unique aspect of coyote hunting in Maine is the ability to hunt these nocturnal animals when they are most active, at night from Dec 16th through Aug 31st. Schanz’s Guide service will ensure you have the means and resources to conduct your hunt safely and successfully.
Turkey Hunting
Our Maine turkey hunt is expanding every year due to the increase in the population of these game birds. Our camps in Cornville are located in the heart of beautiful farm land and prime turkey hunting. Schanz’s Guide service has a fantastic turkey success rate, and all of our guides are skilled in locating and calling in trophy Toms.